Leo Urban Founder/Principal, Urban Associates, Inc., with offices located in Boynton Beach FL and Bedford NH recently gave a course at the Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architecture State annual conference. “Designing Green Roofs & Living Architecture in a Tropical Climate” was the topic of his presentation. The state conference took place at the Boca Raton Resort & Club in Boca Raton Florida.
The two-hour continued education course was attended by over 200 Registered Landscape Architects, Architects, and LEED APs. This is the first presentation of its kind given on the topic of designing green roofs and living architecture in a tropical climate.
- Topics Covered On The Subject of Green Roof and Living Architecture
Current Construction Around The World; History Of Green Roof Construction; Why Green Roof and Living Architecture Construction Is Different In A Tropical Climate; Existing National and International Design Standards; Types Of Green Roof Construction; Benefits; Terminology & Components Of A Green Roof System; Calculate Dead Loads and Wind Loads; Calculate Drainage and Reduced Runoff Volumes, Cistern Design; Calculate Water Budget; Leak Detection Methods; Plant Selection, Irrigation Options, and Warranties & Maintenance Requirements
https://www.uainc-landscapearch.com; mailto:uainclandscape@gmail.com
Instructor Biography:
Leo is a professional landscape architect with over 46 years of experience. He holds a Master’s degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Design and a BS degree in Landscape Architecture from Iowa State University and an Associate’s Degree in Ornamental Horticulture from the State University of NY in Farmingdale. Leo is a US Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional specializing in Building Design and Construction.
This course is based on over six years of research, attendance at state, national and worldwide green roof and green architecture conferences. Additional information has been obtained as a member of the Green Roofs for Healthy Cities Organization and the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association. Leo’s experience includes travel in the US and Europe to study successful green roof projects and from his work on green roof construction projects located in South Florida and in New England.
Leo is the landscape architect of record for the Waste to Energy Facility and Visitor Center at the Solid Waste Authority in Palm Beach County, Florida. Sustainable design elements at the Visitor Center and Waste To Energy Facility that he designed include a green roof, rainwater collection system, cistern storage for irrigation and smart irrigation system with remote monitoring. He designed the permeable pavement with reservoir storage, green walls, a rain garden to treat first flush runoff from the non-green building roof areas. In addition, he designed an Eco-Art fountain with a plant rejuvenation area to purify the water without the use of chemicals. Urban Associates, Inc. was contracted by CDM Smith Engineering for his professional services. This project received LEED platinum certification in 2016 and was used as an example in this presentation.