Innovative Design Solutions

Leo Urban, Landscape Architect, Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional at Urban Associates Inc. has completed a community renovation project in Highland Beach, Florida.   The entrance was constructed over 17 years ago and lacked curb appeal needed to protect existing home values and changing architectural styles. The roadway flooded after each rainfall…


Low Maintenance & Cost Stormwater Management Design

Bioswale Designed by Urban Associates, Inc. to Treat Stormwater at Local Charter School LOW IMPACT DEVELOPMENT (LID) is the use of a variety of nonstructural stormwater management practices to treat stormwater runoff and encourage rainwater infiltration into the ground to recharge groundwater aquifers and to reduce downstream flooding. The goal is to reduce stormwater runoff to match…


Natural Swimming Pools

A natural swimming pool does not use chlorine, biocides and other chemicals that can be harmful to human health. Natural swimming pool water is kept clean using plants with the help of micro-organisms living in the stone plant growing medium. The treatment takes place in a separate or connected shallow regeneration pool. Natural swimming pools…
